Text: LIVEATFIVE to 66599
The Fall 2024 season of
Live at Five
is here!
September 20 - Tommy “T-Bone” Pruitt
September 27 - Grits & Greens
October 4 - Ra’Shad the Blues Kid
October 11 - Stephen Wade Scott & The Low Spirits
October 18 - Thomas Jackson
October 25 - The Selfless Lovers
** All Live at Five events begin at 5pm! **
The Mission of
Live At 5
We believe in creating fun, safe, family-friendly entertainment to our citizens and visitors. We promote our city by promoting our sponsors, vendors and our Downtown Hattiesburg community. We enhance the overall quality of life for Hattiesburg by supporting live music. Join us on this mission.
Be a sponsor.
Connect to people through the passion of live music. Get your business or organization in front of thousands of community members and invest in Hattiesburg’s premier outdoor music event.
Be a vendor.
Enhance the Live At Five experience by showcasing local flavor through food and local art. Showcase your talent at Live At Five.
Be a volunteer.
Do you love Live at Five? The events are not possible without partnership with our volunteers. Please join us.

Encore Sponsors:
City of Hattiesburg / Downtown Hattiesburg / Forrest County Board of Supervisors / iHeart Media Jones Company / Prospect on Main / Southern Beverage / Visit Hattiesburg
Platinum Sponsors:
Coca Cola UNITED / Festival South
Golden Eagle Welcome Week / Hub City Spokes / Signature
Gold Sponsors:
Bank First / Barr None Productions / Blu Jazz Café / Equinox / Hancock Whitney / Hattiesburg Arts Council / Hattiesburg Community Arts Center / Keg & Barrel / Lincoln Road Package Store / Lowrey & Fortner / Rush Law Firm / Signs First Hattiesburg / The Porter
Silver Sponsor:
American Graphics / Anderson Design Center / Area Development Partnership / Cadence / CL Dews & Sons Foundry / Coffee News of the Pinebelt / Connect Chiropractic / Dee & Todd Tatum / First Bank / Hardy Street Baptist Church / Hicks Law Firm / Historic Hattiesburg Neighborhood Association / Homegrown Revival / Hub City Construction / Hub City Stained Glass / Homestead Dirt Works & Mulching / James Channell Salon & Spa / Jesse Johnson Photography / Kitchen Table / Montague, Pittman, & Varnado / Play It Again Sports / Rob Walker Photo Works / Shows, Dearman, & Waits / Southern Mississippi Appraisal Group / Southern Prohibition / State Rep. Missy McGee / / Will's Way